
Hi, I'm Sara!

I'm a wife, mother of 3, christian, and lover of old fashioned things.

I’ve sat here for hours trying to figure out what to say. Who knew it could be so hard to write about oneself! For now, I’m going to take a leaf out of my mothers book (she’s the amazing Montserrat, author of the blog Chocolate on my Cranium). 

I am…

…an artist. I love all things creative, but I love watercolor painting the most

…a nature lover. I had an obsession with birds as a child and it’s only gotten worse as I’ve gotten older

…farmers daughter. I loved growing up on a farm, driving tractors, manual labor, working alongside my dad and sibling, and living in the middle of nowhere

…a lover of physical movement and manual labor. I ran every single day up until two years ago, but I’ll never forgo an opportunity for some good old manual labor! 

…homeschool. If you’ve ever read my moms blog, you know that she homeschool me and my 11 siblings. And she was good at it. I got to just be a child and learn at my own pace and in my own time

…married to my best friend. We met in college in an agriculture class and realized one week later that we were going to get married

…a mother to three beautiful children that have the sweetest spirits, spunkiest personalities, and softest hearts

…planning on homeschooling my children just like I was. 

…a baker. I love to bake and cook and am always on the lookout for a good recipe, especially if they’re cookies

…a follower of Jesus Christ. I try my best each and every day to follow his teaching. He is my Savior

…horticulturalist. At least, that’s what I got my bachelors degree in. I haven’t had much time to really apply any of what I learned. But that’s going to change!

…first time home and landowner. My husband and I bought farm ground and a house in a small town with more cows than people

…restoring a 100-year old farmhouse in a small town with my husband. Actually, he’s doing most of the work, but I get up there when I can with three young kids

…making that 100-year old, little white farmhouse our forever home. 

Welcome to my life!